
[开源App推荐] Weave for Messenger – 画图并分享到Facebook Messenger

2016年06月08日 开源APP 暂无评论 阅读 3,074 views 次

Weave for Messenger - 画图并分享到Facebook Messenger


Weave for Messenger was inspired by Apple Watch sketch feature to quickly draw and send handcrafted doodles to peers. The app brings an enhanced version of Watch sketch feature to Facebook Messenger platform users. Weave animations are uploaded as standard videos viewable on any device with no app installed, repeating the way the doodle was drawn with a beautiful self-dissolving effect at the end of the recording.


Available on the App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/weave-for-messenger/id994829540?mt=8

Project fb page: https://www.facebook.com/weave4messenger




g1 g2 g3 g4 g5


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